

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
ACL.01 Laboratory test: Measurement of airborne sound reduction index for Rw. Range: Rw ≤ 72 dB ISO 10140-1:2021 (except annexes J and K); ISO 10140-2: 2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements EN 1793-2:2018, EN 1793-3:1997 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for road traffic); EN 16272-2:2012, EN 16272-3-1:2012 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for railway)
ACL.02 Laboratory test: Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room NP EN ISO 354:2007 Building acoustics EN ISO 11654:1997 (applicable to flat objects); EN 1793-1:2017, EN 1793-3:1997 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for road traffic); EN 16272-1:2012, EN 16272-3-1:2012 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for railway)
ACL.03 Laboratory test: Determination of impact sound insulation index, Ln,w. Range Ln,w ≥ 25 dB ISO 10140-3:2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-2:2020 Building acoustics Range: Ln,w ≥ 25 dB
ACL.05 Laboratory measurement of the efectiveness of floor coverings in reducing impact sound transmission through concrete floors, ∆IIC Test procedure adapted from standards ASTM E2179-21; ASTM E492-22; ASTM E989-21; ASTM E2235-04 Building elements
ACL.06 Laboratory measurement of the reduction of the transmitted impact noise by floor coverings ∆Lw. Range: ∆Lw ≤ 50 dB ISO 10140-1:2021; ISO 10140-3:2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-2:2020 Building acoustics Range: ∆Lw ≤ 50 dB
ACL.07 Determination of airflow resistance ISO 9053-1:2018 Porous materials used in acoustical applications Method A - Static airflow method
ACL.11 Determination of sound absorption in an impedance tube - Transfer-function method. EN ISO 10534-2:2001 Construction products Range: 100 Hz to 6300 Hz
ACL.13 Determination of sound transmission loss in an impedance tube Internal procedure
ACL.21 Laboratory measurement of impact sound transmission through floor-ceilling assemblies using the tapping machine, IIC Test procedure adapted from standards ASTM e492-22, ASTM e989-21; ASTM E2235-04 Construction products
ETI.18 Determination of tensile strenght perpendicular to faces - wet conditions EAD 040083-00-0404 of 2019 (section ETICS
ISO.01 Determination of the apparent density ISO 29470:2020 (except tropical climates) Thermal insulating products
ISO.02 Determination of the length and width ISO 29465:2022 (except tropical climates) Thermal insulating products
ISO.03 Determination of squareness of thermal insulating products NP EN 824 Produtos de isolamento térmico
ISO.04 Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of thermal insulating products EN 12091:2013 Produtos de isolamento térmico
ISO.05 Determination of long term water absorption by diffusion - long term test EN ISO 16536:2019 Thermal insulating products