

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
QUI.01.02 Determination total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by combustion and infrared Internal Procedure QUI.01.IE.01 (version No.8 of April 2023) equivalent to EN 1484:1997 Groundwater Portuguese legislation "Decreto-Lei nº 183/2009 de 10 de Agosto"
QUI.01.03 Determination total organic carbon (TOC) by combustion and infrared Internal Procedure QUI.01.IE.01 (version No.8 of April 2023) equivalent to EN 1484:1997 Drinking water Portuguese legislation “Decreto-Lei nº 306/2007 de 27 de agosto, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 152/2017 de 7 de dezembro”
QUI.01.04 Determination total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by combustion and infrared Internal Procedure QUI.01.IE.01 (version No.8 of April 2023) equivalent to EN 1484:1997 Waters resulting from migration tests Portuguese legislation “Decreto-Lei nº 306/2007 de 27 de agosto, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 152/2017 de 7 de dezembro” "Annex A” from the “Project of Regulation which lays down the conditions of the Approval Scheme in Portugal for products in contact with water intended for human consumption” of the ERSAR (The Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority)
QUI.02.10 Determination of dissolved metals: Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn by ICP-OES Internal Procedure QUI.02.IE.01 (version no. 9 of August 2021) equivalent to ISO 11885:2007 Waters: Drinking, fresh natural, resulting from migration tests
QUI.02.11 Determination of total metals: Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and B by ICP-OES Internal Procedure QUI.02.IE.01 (version no. 9 of August 2021) equivalent to ISO 11885:2007 and ISO 15587-2:2002 (microwave - closed vessel) Waters: Drinking, fresh natural, resulting from migration tests
QUI.02.12 Determination of total metals: Fe, Zn and B by ICP-OES Internal Procedure QUI.02.IE.01 (version no. 9 of August 2021) equivalent to ISO 11885:2007 and ISO 15587-2:2002 (microwave - closed vessel) Waters: Natural mineral, spring and thermal
QUI.02.13 Determination of total metals: Ca, Mg and Na by ICP-OES Internal Procedure QUI.02.IE.01 (version no. 9 of August 2021) equivalent to ISO 11885:2007 Waters resulting from migration tests, natural mineral, spring and thermal waters
QUI.03.03 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Groundwater Portuguese legislation "Decreto-Lei nº 183/2009 de 10 de Agosto"
QUI.03.04 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Groundwater / Surface water EN 1008:2002
QUI.03.05 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Surface water ---
QUI.03.06 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Drinking water Portuguese legislation “Decreto-Lei nº 306/2007 de 27 de agosto, altered by Decreto-Lei nº 152/2017 de 7 de dezembro”
QUI.03.07 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Natural mineral, spring and thermal waters Portuguese legislation "Despacho n.º 14413/2016 de 29 de novembro Anexo II - Análise físico-química completa"
QUI.03.09 Determination of pH by potentiometry Internal Procedure QUI.03.IE.01 (version no. 9 of May 2024) equivalent to SMEWW 4500-H+ B, 24th Ed. Waters resulting from migration tests Portuguese legislation “Decreto-Lei nº 306/2007 de 27 de agosto, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 152/2017 de 7 de dezembro” "Annex A” from the “Project of Regulation which lays down the conditions of the Approval Scheme in Portugal for products in contact with water intended for human consumption” of the ERSAR (The Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority)
QUI.08.01 Determination of lead and zinc by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) ISO 11885:2007 Water recovered from process EN 1008:2002
QUI.08.02 Determination of alkali (sodium and potassium) by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) ISO 11885:2007 Water recovered from process EN 1008:2002