

Acoustics and Vibrations

The acoustic behaviour of spaces, building elements and equipment are subject to national regulations under the building acoustics requirements code (RRAE) and the general noise regulations (RGR).

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
ACI.01 Measurement of sound pressure levels. Annoyance response NP ISO 1996-1:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021/Erratum1:2022; Annex I of Portuguese Decree-Law No. 9/2007; Internal Procedure ACI.01.IE.01 (version no. 10 of October 2022) Environmental noise
ACI.02 Measurement of sound pressure levels. Determination of the average long-term exposure sound level. NP ISO 1996-1:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021/Erratum1:2022; Internal Procedure ACI.02.IE.01 (version no. 10 of October 2022) Environmental noise
ACI.03 Building acoustics: Measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms and determination of the sound insulation index ISO 16283-1:2014; ISO 16283-1:2014/Amd1:2017; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements With the exceptionof standardized low-frequency sound insulation in rooms with a volume less than 25 m3
ACI.04 Building acoustics: Measurement of airborne sound insulation of facades and facade elements and determination of the sound insulation index. Global loudspeaker method ISO 16283-3:2016; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements With the exception of standardized low-frequency sound insulation in rooms with a volume less than 25 m3
ACI.05 Measurement of reverberation time. Interrupted noise method (Engineering Method) ISO 3382-2:2008; ISO 3382-2:2008/Cor.1:2009 Building acoustics
ACI.06 Building acoustics: Measurement of impact sound insulation of floors and determination of the sound insulation index ISO 16283-2:2020, ISO 717-2:2020 Building elements With the exception of standardized low-frequency sound insulation in rooms with a volume less than 25 m3
ACI.07 Building acoustics: Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings. Determination of the sound level of particular noise NP EN ISO 16032:2009; Note 3 of National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Document, 16 of March 2023 Building acoustics
ACI.08 Measurement of sound pressure levels. Determination of the equivalent sound level NP ISO 1996-1:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021; NP ISO 1996-2:2021/Erratum1:2022; Internal Procedure ACI.08.IE.01 (version no. 10 of October 2022) Environmental noise
ACI.09 Acoustics - In situ determination of insertion loss of outdoor noise barriers Barreiras acústicas destinadas a tráfego rodoviário
ACL.01 Laboratory test: Measurement of airborne sound reduction index for Rw. Range: Rw ≤ 72 dB ISO 10140-1:2021 (except annexes J and K); ISO 10140-2: 2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements EN 1793-2:2018, EN 1793-3:1997 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for road traffic); EN 16272-2:2012, EN 16272-3-1:2012 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for railway)
ACL.02 Laboratory test: Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room NP EN ISO 354:2007 Building acoustics EN ISO 11654:1997 (applicable to flat objects); EN 1793-1:2017, EN 1793-3:1997 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for road traffic); EN 16272-1:2012, EN 16272-3-1:2012 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for railway)
ACL.03 Laboratory test: Determination of impact sound insulation index, Ln,w. Range Ln,w ≥ 25 dB ISO 10140-3:2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-2:2020 Building acoustics Range: Ln,w ≥ 25 dB
ACL.04 Laboratory test: Measurement of impact sound insulation of roofs, roof/ceiling systems and skylights excited by artificial rainfall, LIA. ISO 10140-1 (annex K); ISO 10140-3:2021; ISO 10140-5:2021 Building elements
ACL.05 Laboratory measurement of the efectiveness of floor coverings in reducing impact sound transmission through concrete floors, ∆IIC Test procedure adapted from standards ASTM E2179-21; ASTM E492-22; ASTM E989-21; ASTM E2235-04 Building elements
ACL.06 Laboratory measurement of the reduction of the transmitted impact noise by floor coverings ∆Lw. Range: ∆Lw ≤ 50 dB ISO 10140-1:2021; ISO 10140-3:2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-2:2020 Building acoustics Range: ∆Lw ≤ 50 dB