

Acoustics and Vibrations

The acoustic behaviour of spaces, building elements and equipment are subject to national regulations under the building acoustics requirements code (RRAE) and the general noise regulations (RGR).

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
AIE.01 Low strain impact integrity testing of deep foundations ASTM D5882-16 Hardened concrete
AIE.02 Integrity Testing of Deep Foundations - Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing ASTM D 6760-16 Piles
EQP.17 Determination of the sound power level EN 12102-2:2019 Heat pumps for domestic hot water
TES.06 Evaluation of impulsive vibrations in structures, buildings and quarries NP 2074:2015 Structures
TES.10 Mechanical fatigue strength of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.2) Under-ballast mat Load step 1: 10 million cycles. Load step 2: 2.5 million cycles.
TES.11 Water resistance of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.3) Under-ballast mat 168 h in water at 50ºC (change in tensile properties).
TES.12 Freeze-thaw resistance test de under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.4) Under-ballast mat Freeze-thaw cycle: 11h at -20ºC | 1h to raise up to 30ºC | 11 h at 30ºC | 1 h to raise down to -20ºC.
TES.13 Ageing resistance of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.5) Under-ballast mat 168h in air at 70ºC (change in static bedding modulus).
VBR.01 Determination of the dynamic stiffness ISO 9052-1:1989, ISO 7626-5:2019 Materials used under floating floors in buildings
VBR.02 Characterisation of anti-vibration mounts Internal procedure VBR.02.IE.01 (version no. 3 of May 2020) Anti-vibration mounts for ceilings
VBR.05 Determination of the dynamic stiffness of materials used under floating floors in dwellings, subjected to creep Internal procedure VBR.05.IE.01, ISO 7626-5 Materials used under floating floors in dwellings
VBR.06 Determination of the dynamic stiffness - Laboratory measurement of transfer properties Internal Procedure VBR.06.IE.01 (version no. 2 of May 2020) Resilient elements