

Construction Quality Control

Itecons is accredited to perform most of the tests required for construction quality control. The Institute has vast experience in construction management and project design review, as well as in the characterisation of construction materials’ properties.

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
LIG.00 Cementitious binders and adhesives characterization - Other tests (standards EN, ASTM, LNEC…) - Cementitious binders and adhesives
LIG.01.01 Determination of setting time EN 196-3:2016 Cement
LIG.01.02 Determination of standard consistence EN 196-3:2016 Cement
LIG.01.03 Determination of soundness EN 196-3:2016 Cement
LIG.02 Determination of mechanical resistance: flexural strenght and compressive strength EN 196-1:2016 Cement
LIG.03.01 Determination of setting times of building lime EN 459-2:2021 (Section 7.5) Building lime
LIG.03.02 Determination of standard consistence of building lime EN 459-2:2021 (Section 7.5) Building lime
LIG.04 Determination of compressive strength EN 459-2:2021 (Section 7.11); Specimens compressed according to EN 196-1 Building lime
LIG.05.01 Determination of tensile adhesion strength - Initial adhesion strength EN 1348:2007 Cementitious adhesives
LIG.05.02 Determination of tensile adhesion strength - Tensile adhesion strength after water immersion EN 1348:2007 Cementitious adhesives
LIG.05.03 Determination of tensile adhesion strength - Tensile adhesion strength after heat ageing EN 1348:2007 Cementitious adhesives
LIG.05.04 Determination of tensile adhesion strength - Tension adhesion strength after freeze-thaw cycle EN 1348:2007 Cementitious adhesives
LIG.06 Determination of open time EN 1346:2007 Adhesives for tiles
LIG.07 Determination of slip EN 1308:2007 Adhesives for tiles
LIG.08 Determination of transverse deformation EN 12002:2008 Cimentitious adhesives