

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
ACL.01 Laboratory test: Measurement of airborne sound reduction index for Rw. Range: Rw ≤ 72 dB ISO 10140-1:2021 (except annexes J and K); ISO 10140-2: 2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements EN 1793-2:2018, EN 1793-3:1997 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for road traffic); EN 16272-2:2012, EN 16272-3-1:2012 (only applicable to noise barriers intended for railway)
ACL.15 Laboratory test: Acoustic intensimetry Internal procedure Construction elements; machinery and equipment
ACL.18 Laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss, TL (only applicable to building facade specimens including walls, doors, windows, and combinations thereof) Test procedure adapted from standards ASTM E90-23; ASTM E2235-04, ASTM E413-22 and ASTM E1332-22 Construction products
CXL.21 Determination of the air permeability of doors, windows and curtain walling ASTM E283 / E283M Doors, windows and curtain walling
CXL.22 Determination of the water tightness of doors, windows and curtain walling under cyclic static air pressure difference ASTM E547 Doors, windows and curtain walling
CXL.23 Determination of the wind load resistance of doors, windows and curtain walling ASTM E330 / E330M Doors, windows and curtain walling
CXL.24 Determination of the performance of exterior windows, curtain walling, doors and impact protective systems impacted by missile(s) and exposed to cyclic pressure differentials ASTM E1886, ASTM E1996 Doors, windows and curtain walling
CXL.25 Determination of the water tightness of doors, windows and curtain walling under uniform static air pressure difference ASTM E331 Doors, windows and curtain walling
FCC.01 Determination of the air permeability EN 12153:2000 Curtain walling
FCC.02 Determination of water tightness EN 12155:2000 Curtain walling
FCC.03 Determination of the resistance to wind load EN 12179:2000 Curtain walling
FCC.04 Determination of impact resistance EN 14109:2016, EN 12600:2002 Curtain walling
FCC.05 Wind resistance cyclic test of curtain walling BRE Digest 346-7 Curtain walling
FCC.06 Determination of the thermal transmittance of curtain walling ISO 12631:2017 Curtain walling
FEV.01 Determination of linear compressive force of gasket and weatherstripping EN 12365-2:2003 Gaskets/Weatherstripping