

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
SOL.06 Soil methylene blue test NF P 94-068:1998* Soil, Aggregate The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
SOL.07 "In situ" density and water content determination by Gamma-densimeter method ASTM D6938-23 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.08 Determination of the water content NP 84:1965 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.11 Size distribution of soil particles by sedimentation LNEC E 196:1966 Soil, Aggregate
SOL.12 Determination of particle density NP 83:1965 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.13 Plate load test NF P94-117-1:2000 and Mode Operatóire CT-2:1973 Soils, Aggregates
TES.10 Mechanical fatigue strength of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.2) Under-ballast mat Load step 1: 10 million cycles. Load step 2: 2.5 million cycles.
TES.11 Water resistance of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.3) Under-ballast mat 168 h in water at 50ºC (change in tensile properties).
TES.12 Freeze-thaw resistance test de under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.4) Under-ballast mat Freeze-thaw cycle: 11h at -20ºC | 1h to raise up to 30ºC | 11 h at 30ºC | 1 h to raise down to -20ºC.
TES.13 Ageing resistance of under-ballast mat DIN 45673-5:2010-08 (section 6.4.5) Under-ballast mat 168h in air at 70ºC (change in static bedding modulus).