

Physics and Mechanics

Itecons has at its disposal modern facilities designed to carry out a variety of tests including physical and mechanical accredited tests in accordance with the latest national and European standards. We perform resistance tests, durability studies, property verification and fault analysis.

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
AGR.05 Determination of particle shape - Flakiness index EN 933-3:2012 Aggregates
AGR.06 Determination of the particle density of filler by pyknometer method EN 1097-7:2022 Aggregate,Filler
AGR.07 Determination of Shape index EN 933-4:2008 Aggregates
AGR.08 Assessment of fines - Methylene blue test EN 933-9:2022 Aggregates
AGR.09 Determination of density and water absorption EN 1097-6:2022 (Except Annexes E and H) Aggregates
AGR.10.01 Determination of bulk density and void volume EN 1097-3:1998 (except Annex A) Aggregates
AGR.10.02 Determination of the apparent (bulk) density of filler in kerosene EN 1097-3:1998 (Annex A) Aggregate,Filler
AGR.11 Determination of the water content by drying in a ventilated oven EN 1097-5:2008 Aggregates
AGR.13 Determination of particle size distribution of granulated cork by mechanical sieving ISO 2030:2018 Aggregate,Granulated cork
AGR.14 Determination of apparent bulk density of granulated cork ISO 2031:2015 Aggregate,Granulated cork
AGR.15 Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval test) EN 1097-1:2011* (Annex A) or EN 1097-1:2023 (Annex A); EN 13450:2002 (Annex E), EN 13450:2005/AC:2004 Ballast The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
AGR.16 Determination of resistance to fragmentation - Los Angeles method EN 1097-2:2020 (Annex A); NP EN 13450:2005 (Annex C); NP EN 13450:2005/AC:2010 Ballast
AGR.17 Determination of the lenght of aggregates for railway ballast EN 13450 (section 6.7) Aggregate,Railway ballast
AGR.18 Determination of particle size distribution of armourstone Internal procedure based on EN 13383-2 (section 5) Aggregate,Armourstone The test can be performed according to EN 13383-2:2019 (section 5) or EN 13383-2:2002* (section 5).
AGR.19 Determination of particle size distribution. Sieving method EN 933-1:2012, EN 13450:2002, EN 13450:2002/AC:2004 Ballast