

Construction Quality Control

Itecons is accredited to perform most of the tests required for construction quality control. The Institute has vast experience in construction management and project design review, as well as in the characterisation of construction materials’ properties.

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
SOL.01 Particle size analysis by wet sieving LNEC E 239:1970* Soils, Aggregates The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
SOL.02 Compaction test (Proctor) LNEC E 197:1966 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.03 Determination of the CBR LNEC E 198:1967* Soils, Aggregates The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
SOL.04 Determination of consistency limits - Liquidity and plasticity index NP 143:1969 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.05 Sand equivalent test LNEC E 199:1967* Soils, Aggregates The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
SOL.06 Soil methylene blue test NF P 94-068:1998* Soil, Aggregate The normative document indicated with * is void, and its tecnical validity is not in question.
SOL.07 "In situ" density and water content determination by Gamma-densimeter method ASTM D6938-23 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.08 Determination of the water content NP 84:1965 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.11 Size distribution of soil particles by sedimentation LNEC E 196:1966 Soil, Aggregate
SOL.12 Determination of particle density NP 83:1965 Soils, Aggregates
SOL.13 Plate load test NF P94-117-1:2000 and Mode Operatóire CT-2:1973 Soils, Aggregates